Japanese Proficiency Level Check

for CIEE Japanese Language Program


  Guide 案内

Using this level check you are able to know which course in the CIEE Japanese Program would be appropriate for your Japanese proficiency level.

Application to the IJLC (The Intensive Japanese Language Course) requires you to provide the results of your Japanese Proficiency Level Check.

The International Students applying Japanese classes in the International Exchange program or for the Elective Language Course should save the PDF files of the results of this level check to show the teachers of the relevant classes if necessary.




Read me -最初に読んでください-

  Contact お問合せ
Center for International Education and Exchange, OSAKA University

Intercultural Collaboration Hall, Osaka University
B1-1 Yamada, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 Japan
大阪大学 国際教育交流センター

〒565-0871 大阪府吹田市山田丘1-1
大阪大学 ICホール内